Sunday – 4th June 2023 (Trinity Sunday)

Welcome to St. Nicholas Church for Trinity Sunday 4th June.

In the Gospel reading for Sunday from Matthew 28 vs 16 – end, Jesus has summoned his disciples to a mountain in Galilee. He tells them that all authority is his and that they should make disciples all over the world, baptizing them and teaching them to obey his commandments.

He promises to be with them always.

This passage, often called the ‘Great Commission’, invites us to consider:

What does it mean to adventure with Jesus? What does that look like in practice, and how might we do it? We are not called to do this alone but together. This week we explore how The Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – might equip us and resource us to go out and live our lives for Jesus.


Our service on Sunday morning begins at 10.30 am. We look forward to welcoming Rev Mark Hewerdine to preside, our organist and MD, Ollie Mills, will accompany the hymns and lead the music.