Sunday 24th September, Trinity 16
Dear Friends,
I’d like to begin with a thank you for the lovely welcome I have had from those of you I’ve had the chance to meet. It’s been so good to start to get to know people and find out a little about their stories.
Last week I said I’d tell you a bit more about myself. I haven’t been ordained very long. Although I felt God calling me to something, it took many years and a few false starts before I was ready to really listen and accept that the call might be to ordination! My sending church was St Clement’s Chorlton where I worshipped for many years. I spent some of my curacy at St Paul’s Heaton Moor and then at St James and Emmanuel Didsbury. I’m currently licensed to St Paul’s Withington where I will continue to serve whilst also being with you at St Nick’s.
I trained part time whilst continuing in my job as Chief Executive of a charity called MASH (Manchester Action on Street Health). MASH is a brilliant charity which works with female sex workers and other vulnerable women. Before I worked at MASH, I had a variety of jobs in the voluntary sector and working for the council. I spent several years managing services for children and families, and before that I managed several Citizens Advice Bureaux, including a specialist Mental Health CAB based at Prestwich Hospital. Looking back, I can see that I have always been drawn to working with people on the margins.
Working with those on the edge of society means regular reminders of how judgemental people can be, how we can resent other people getting things we don’t think they deserve. We are quick to cry “ it’s not fair”. I’m sure most of us can identify with the Prodigal Son’s brother “ how come he got a party after messing everything up when I’ve been good all my life?”. or with the workers in the vineyard in Sunday’s Gospel. “We’ve worked hard all day, why should they get the same as us?” In this parable Jesus reminds us that God’s ways are not our ways and God is not “fair.” But God is just and merciful, loving and generous beyond measure. And, I for one am grateful for that!
With Love and Prayers,
Sunday 24th September, Trinity 16
Our service on Sunday morning begins at 10.30 am. We look forward to welcoming Rev. Augustine Tanner-Ihm from St. James and Emmanuel to preside, preach and conduct a baptism during the service. Our assistant organist, Elizabeth Bray will accompany the hymns and lead the singing. Here are details of the readings and hymns for the service: