St.Nick’s newsletter for Sunday 17th November

Dear St. Nick’s Kingsway Family,

Dear St. Nick’s Kingsway Family,

Occasionally, groups of people gather to await the end of the world as we know it. Often, they’ve calculated the exact time from a biblical text taken out of context. Apocalyptic writings, such as those in Daniel or Revelation, have sparked many imaginations. Yet, the predicted dates come and go, and the world continues.

In Sunday’s gospel from Mark, Jesus talks about the destruction of the Temple. His four closest disciples ask for a sign that will precede this event. Jesus’ response shows he understands their deeper concern: they are not just asking about the destruction of a building, but about the end of time. The Temple was indeed destroyed in AD 70, but the world did not end.

When Jesus spoke about the stones of the Temple being thrown down, he was reminding them that buildings and national institutions may come and go, but God remains forever. The focus on visible signs of organised religion persists today. It’s easy to think of “church” as the building where we gather on Sundays, rather than as the body of Christ, the people of God. We are called to be living stones in the temple, with Christ himself as the cornerstone.

We are tasked with living out Jesus’ teachings in the world, loving God and our neighburs. Our Saviour will come again in glory, but it is not for us to know the day or the hour.

In the meantime, there is much to do and many events in which we can all participate to show our support for St. Nick’s Kingsway and our neighbours.Alison

Alison Mills
ALM and Churchwarden
St.Nick’s Kingsway.

Sunday 17th November

Our service this Sunday will be led by our  minister, Rev Dr. K. Augustine Tanner-Ihm, who will preach and preside at our  Sunday morning service. Our musical director, Ollie Mills, will provide the music. Readings and prayers will be lead by St.Nick’s team. Refreshments will be served after the service.